Digital Nature Group (Assistant Prof. Fushimi)

(1) Towards Introduction of Society 5.0 in Biology with International Collaboration and Ultrasound (JST, ReNewMAP, Principal Investigator: Tatsuki Fushimi & Ruchi Gupta, FY2022-FY2023)
(2) Development of tangible user interface using ultrasonic microfluidic manipulation platform, (Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, Principal Investigator: Tatsuki Fushimi, FY2023-FY2024)

As part of the Digital Nature Laboratory, our team is pioneering the development of innovative media devices by harnessing the power of ultrasonics. We understand that the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence is transforming digital processing at an unprecedented rate. However, the challenge persists in bridging the divide between the digital domain and our physical reality. This demands creative solutions to effectively translate and reintegrate the data and directives processed digitally back into our tangible world. While robots face limitations due to their mass and the significant energy and force required for high-speed movement, ultrasonics offer a promising alternative. Characterized by a lack of inertia, ultrasonics are capable of directly and swiftly manipulating objects, truly operating ‘at the speed of sound.’ This unique attribute makes them a potentially transformative tool for physical interfaces.

In recent years, our research has culminated in the creation of the ‘Ultrasonic Digital Microfluidic Platform,’ a state-of-the-art ultrasonic object manipulation technology. This innovative approach offers vast potential for developing new user interfaces and numerous applications, including the automation of experiments in the biological and chemical fields. To facilitate further progress, we actively seek collaborations with researchers worldwide, pushing the boundaries of our collective research and development efforts. We extend a warm welcome to students who share our passion for intensifying the interaction between the physical and digital worlds, and who are excited about the prospect of bringing the concept of ‘digital nature’ to life.

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