Ye, S. Y. Laboratory
Comprehensive research on social media usage and subjective well-being in ‘mobile x social era’” (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Principal Investigator: Shaoyu Ye, FY2021- FY2024)
While SNS such as Twitter has brought us a lot of convenience, there have been many cases of misuse as a tool for assisted suicide and troubles caused by users’ improper use. In addition, Japanese adolescents’ mental well-being was the second worst among the 38 developed countries, and it is reported that “suicide” is the leading cause of death among teens to 39 years old. In contrast to the high suicide rate among young people and the working population, the population of people aged 65 and over is at a record high and the birth rate is at a record low. Therefore, how to improve young people’s mental and physical health, as well as to raise their literacy when using SNS such as Twitter, and reduce the risk of getting involved in trouble, has become a major issue. This project aims to clarify the effects of various SNS use on young people’s mental health, and find clues to provide the necessary social support based on user’s psychological state, and propose how to use SNS in a healthier way. Our team includes researchers on socio-informatics and media psychology, cultural anthropology, informatics, and educational technology. We believe that the implication gained from this project will contribute not only online communication, but also to improving interpersonal relationships in schools and workplaces, and to solving the problem of the low birthrate and aging population indirectly in the future. We are looking for students who are interested in media usage, mental health, etc. to participate in our research team.
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